This tutorial will help you install Firmata onto your Arduino product.
How to
How to install Arduino in 3 easy steps
This tutorial will help you install the Arduino IDE onto your computer.
How to install Johnny-Five
This is an easy tutorial for installing the Johnny-Five libraries to work on your compute.
How to install Node.js in 3 Easy Steps
How do I install Node.js onto my computer you ask? This is how if you dont’ have it.
The Big Easy Stepper Motor Driver + Arduino
Stepper (or step) motors are really cool. They are perfect for automation or any time you need a motor to turn to a specific point, at a specific speed, in a specific direction. And, unlike typical motors, steppers are able to do all of this, and hold their position when they are not moving – The trade off is that they cant move as fast, and you have to power them at full power all the time, but you get total control in return.
Sensing Humidity With The SHT15 + Arduino
The SHT15 is a digital humidity sensor that outputs a fully calibrated humidity reading. And… because what we are measuring is actually relative humidity, and relative humidity being relative to temperature, the SHT15 has a builtin digital thermometer. This makes things much easier to work with than sensors without a thermometer onboard.